Used on AirCraft mainly to prevent fogging up and keeping surfaces cleaner for longer.
For removal of static charge on aircraft transparencies or any plastic surface. Use will eliminate dust and dirt particles from being held to surfaces. This cream product provides better overall coverage and is more effective than aerosol products.
1. Apply a thin film of Anti-Static cream to the surface, using a clean, dry, flannel cloth. Do not use paper towels, micro fiber wipers, industrial wipers as any of these will scratch transparencies.
2. It is always recommended to buff the surface by hand during this application. Using a tool would build more static.
3. Buff the product into the transparency using slow methodical strokes. Stroke pattern is not of significance in this process, ie: straight line versus circular. Avoid using pressure. A light touch works best. Work in small 1 foot square areas so you can easily incorporate the cream into the surface of the transparency before it dries.
4. If the cream dries on the surface it will be more difficult to work into the surface and scratching could occur. You can mist the surface with clean water and continue buffing if this happens. It is also advisable to mist the flannel cloth slightly prior to beginning this process.
5. Avoid using too much Anti-Static cream. If too much is used gumming on the surface can occur, making the buffing process more laborious.
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